Bright colors and inusual combinations: Anne Kurris.

lookbook1lookbook8lookbook7lookbook4lookbook6lookbook13lookbook5lookbook19lookbook11lookbook12lookbook3lookbook10 Dopo aver lavorato per Dries Van Noten e per i principali istituti culturali del Belgio, la prima collezione di children's wear di Anne Kurris è stata lanciata sul mercato nel 1998, inspirata alla pop art e alla natura, e caratterizzata da brillanti combinazioni di colori e da un design molto grafico. Anne Kurris insegna graphic design al famoso Fashion Department del Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and Sint-Lucas Antwerp. Lavora anche come contributor per il magazine Kid's Wear. Arte, grafica e soprattutto colori brillanti e inusuali combinazioni sono ancora il marchio di fabbrica di una collezione che non può non stupire e lasciare senza fiato (nelle foto, la collezione Spring/Summer 2014). Come al solito, gently suggested. After worked for Dries Van Noten and for major Belgian cultural institutes, in 1998 the Anne Kurris children’s wear collection was launched, inspired by pop art and nature, and characterized by bright color combinations and a strong graphic design. Anne Kurris teaches graphic design at the famous Fashion Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and Sint-Lucas Antwerp. She contributes to Kid's Wear, the unique magazine for children’s fashion, lifestyle and culture edited by Achim Lippoth. Art, graphic and bright colors are still the trade mark of the actual collection, that it's astonished! (in the photos, the Spring/Summer 2014 collection) Gently suggested, as usual. by oliveemiele